Gaylen Rust must have seemed trustworthy to the people who gave him money. Rust was a longtime businessman in Layton, Utah, where he ran a coin shop started by his father in 1966. Rust also founded a charity called Legacy Music Alliance that funded arts programs in schools. An admiring 2013 profile in The Salt […]
Category: Personal Finance
What to Do When You’re Constantly Asked to Work After Regular Hours
In the course of our jobs, it’s natural to land in situations where our work doesn’t conclude at 5:00 or 6:00 in the evening, or whenever we’re supposed to shut down our computers and call it quits for the day. Whether you work for a tech company, publisher, or financial firm, there’s a good chance […]
Planning to Claim Social Security at 65? Read This First.
Social Security keeps millions of seniors afloat, with the average beneficiary today collecting $17,532 a year. If you’re turning 65 in the near future, you might be tempted to file for benefits and start getting your hands on some of that money. But know that if you go that route, you could wind up regretting […]
What Does Personal Finance Mean To You?
Personal finance is a broad subject that encompasses money management, investments, and savings. It includes budgeting, estate planning, banking, tax planning, insurance, retirement planning, and mortgages, among other aspects. It is about setting and achieving financial goals, and may involve meeting short-term needs, saving for your children’s university education or making retirement plans. Personal finance […]
Replacing Your Expired Equifax Credit Monitoring
So Long, Free Credit Monitoring Were you one of the nearly 148 million consumers affected by the 2017 Equifax data breach? You may have taken advantage of Equifax’s free one-year offer of their TrustedID Premier service, extended to all affected consumers. TrustedID Premier allowed consumers to lock their Equifax credit report, provided identity theft insurance, […]
Nearly 75% of Americans Consider Debt a Dating Deal Breaker
If you’re looking for love as the calendar moves toward Valentine’s Day, you may want to check your finances. No, you’re not looking to make sure you have enough money to pay for flowers, chocolates, or a fancy dinner. Instead, you’re checking to see if your debt limits your dating pool. Nearly three-quarters of American […]
How to Open a 401(k)
One of the most important financial goals you have is to provide for a financially secure retirement. That’s a daunting task, but if you get started early, then you have your whole career to save and invest in order to grow your nest egg into a healthy amount that will support you long into your […]
4 Workplace Perks That Are Hurting Your Employees More So Than Helping Them
There are certain things workers look for in a job — competitive pay, great health benefits, and the little perks that make coming to work all the more pleasant. However, some of those perks might end up hurting employees more so than benefiting them. Here are a few your company might want to do away with. 1. […]
Why You May Not Be Worried Enough About Financial Fraud
Financial fraud has become so rampant that it’s hard for consumers to keep up. Nearly every person who holds a debit or credit card has received alerts about charges they may not have made, and tens of millions of Americans have had some of their cards replaced in the wake of data breaches at retailers […]
While there are now fewer 401(k) millionaires, many investors still made smart moves
The markets have recovered from their year-end turbulence. Still, you’ll likely see the negative effects of that turmoil when you open up your latest 401(k) statement. Average account balances for 401(k), 403(b) and individual retirement accounts dropped for the fourth quarter of 2018 compared to the previous quarter, according to Fidelity Investments. The average 401(k) […]
3 Reasons Your Social Security Benefits Might Be Lower Than Expected
Millions of retired seniors depend on Social Security to pay their expenses, so much so that it’s their single greatest source of income. As such, getting less money out of the program than anticipated is something that could really hurt you in retirement. Here are a few reasons your benefits might not be as high […]
Will you spend your retirement savings or leave it behind? The answer may surprise you
A key financial question for retirees is what to do with their hard-earned retirement savings. For example, some investors may find it more fulfilling to provide a college fund for grandchildren rather than purchase a second home for themselves. The opposite can also be true, and that’s okay. In my experience working with retirees, I’ve […]