What Does Personal Finance Mean To You?

Personal finance is a broad subject that encompasses money management, investments, and savings. It includes budgeting, estate planning, banking, tax planning, insurance, retirement planning, and mortgages, among other aspects. It is about setting and achieving financial goals, and may involve meeting short-term needs, saving for your children’s university education or making retirement plans. Personal finance […]

How to Open a 401(k)

One of the most important financial goals you have is to provide for a financially secure retirement. That’s a daunting task, but if you get started early, then you have your whole career to save and invest in order to grow your nest egg into a healthy amount that will support you long into your […]

While there are now fewer 401(k) millionaires, many investors still made smart moves

The markets have recovered from their year-end turbulence. Still, you’ll likely see the negative effects of that turmoil when you open up your latest 401(k) statement. Average account balances for 401(k), 403(b) and individual retirement accounts dropped for the fourth quarter of 2018 compared to the previous quarter, according to Fidelity Investments. The average 401(k) […]