Use This Simple Mental Trick to Save More Money

Americans like to spend. Unfortunately, 70% of Americans admit to bad spending habits, leading them to overspend by nearly $7,500 per year. Unless we change our spending habits and learn how to save, we will soon be facing a full blown retirement crisis. The Center for Retirement Research at Boston College estimates that about half of working-age households […]

What Income Do You Want to Retire At?

Former heavyweight champion George Foreman famously said, “The question isn’t at what age I want to retire, it’s at what income.” The FIRE community, with its focus on a single retirement number, often misses this subtlety. The longer you take before you start withdrawing from your nest egg, the larger it gets and the shorter […]

The ‘retirement ideal’ has been changing for years. Older people are increasingly unretiring, changing the shape of this life stage.

Picture retirement in your head. It’s a laughing, grey-haired couple sipping piña coladas on a white sand beach; perhaps they’re getting some liquid courage for their sky dive later. Not a care in the world, their only responsibility is getting their grandchildren good gifts for their birthdays. It’s a beautiful fantasy – and for many […]