Save More Money in 2018: Here’s How

There is always room to improve your family’s financial plan. January is Financial Wellness Month, and a great time to review your money management methods and make changes to save more and work toward a secure financial future. Check out the tips below to get started.

Determine your financial goals: Lists are a great way to stay organized and hold yourself accountable. Those benefits can also apply to budgeting, saving, investing, and more. Start by setting realistic goals for 2018. How much money do you hope to save? Is a big purchase, such as a house or a car, on the roster for this year? By figuring out first what you want and need to accomplish this year, you can then come up with the right plan and steps to get there.

Write a money management to-do list: Start with what the New York Times calls a financial report card: First, check your credit score. Next, review your recurring expenses. After you’ve had a good look at how you spend your money, see where you can trim the fat. Call your providers to see if you can renegotiate your phone and cable bills.

Start planning for the long-term: Do you have a retirement plan? You should. Make a point to set one up privately or through your employer this year. Long-term financial security is the smartest move you can make, so it should be a priority this year.

Save a little money every week: Do you waste money on small purchases you really don’t need? If so, consider dropping those habits and instead putting that money aside. It may seem old-school, but it works. In no time, you’ll have a small savings you can apply to something more productive.

Get professional help: If you’re unsure where to start or you just want a professional opinion, consider talking to a financial advisor. An experienced professional can make sure you’re on the right track toward financial success.

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